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Welcome to Summit View Dental in Mount Airy
At Summit View Dental, we offer a wide variety of dental treatments to meet the needs of all ages. From routine dental cleanings and comprehensive check-ups to complete smile makeovers and advanced techniques, Dr. Foster and our staff have all your needs covered. But we offer more than exceptional dental care, we also ensure that each patient is comfortable and is treated with compassion. Come experience dentistry the way it should be: gentle, thorough, and friendly!
Welcome to Summit View Dental; and welcome to the family!
The practice of Dr. Jennifer Foster offers family, implant & cosmetic dentistry to guests of all ages. Located in Mt. Airy, Maryland, we are proud to provide the highest quality of care through a full range of services. With a reputation for gentleness and a commitment to value, we invite you to experience the dental care that you deserve!

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Mt. Airy Location
Our office is conveniently located at the intersection of Ridge Road (Rt. 27) and Watersville Road in the Mt. Airy Medical Center.
Our Address
301 W. Watersville Road
Mount Airy, MD 21771
Tel: 301-829-2211
Opening Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
Weekend appointments available 8:00am - 1:00pm on select Saturdays each month.

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